The next fish to fry was sound - both sound effects and soundtracks. I started by making a sound manager (sMan) similar to the image manager. Next I had some struggle with sound formats. Java doesn't care much for wav files. I basically had to tinker with the bit-rate, depth, etc. to get it to play, and I still don't know why some play and some don't. All I can say is that the java native sound engine is good, but finicky. As for sound track, I went for straight up midi which was a lot easier to work with. Currently, all the songs are ripped off from an awesome repository of nes roms that I came accross and I am starting to try to "compose the original score" :)
The next task was to create game states that allowed specific tasks to occur (ex. loading, player just died, player is playing, etc.) This allowed for an intro screen when the game was loading and cut-scenes between levels. This also allowed for animations and sound clips to run when the player dies or beats a level. The paint and run methods are then if-else statements based on the current state. The states are:
- Intro
- LoadIntro
- LoadLevel
- Playing
- JustDied
- Boss
- JustPassed
The next improvement was the addition of levelguys, i.e. bosses. In boss mode a life-meter pops up displaying the boss' health as the gameState is set to "Boss". The screen also locks and the music changes. After the boss' energy reaches -1, the gamestate goes to justpassed and some celebratory music (currently from Duper Mario Bros.) plays. In order to mediate the timing of the cut-scenes, there is a variable tickCounter which is set when the game enters a given mode. When in this mode, each tick of the game loop reduces the tick-counter by one so that when it reaches zero, a new game state may be entered.